How I Overcame Fears to Interview Thought Leaders (With a Combined Reach of over 1.5 Million)
I remember writing an email with my fingers shaking on the keyboard, hoping to interview a pioneer in the compassion space.
Why was I shaking?
1 Transformational Approach to Avoid Burnout and Create Flow
High performers with powerful missions are prone to burnout. Why? Because, just like you, they are givers.
1 Equation That Reveals the Cause of Your Stress
Today is a celebration because it is our 100th Believe In Growth Video Newsletter!
To celebrate, I am revamping a favourite episode for you guys with fresh stories whilst staying true to the original concept.
3 Transformational Questions to Reveal Your True Passion and Purpose
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards." Steve Jobs
The Lotus and The Mud - 10 Questions to Turn Setbacks Into Successes
In a small village by a tranquil lake, a kind-hearted orphan girl named Lila lived in a mud-covered hut. She admired the lotus flowers that bloomed in the murky waters nearby. One day, she met an old wise woman, Aanya, by the lake.
10 Shifts That Transformed My Clients Emotional Resilience
A few weeks ago I was on a deep-dive call with an entrepreneur who was frustrated, doubtful and lacking confidence on their next steps.
They burst into tears with emotion. They couldn't go on like this anymore.
3 Lessons That Helped Me Go From Distracted to Focused
"If you don't master your environment, it masters you."
I Am Not the Coach for You
I have a confession to make - I haven't been serving you with full authenticity.
A Cinematic Experience - 15 Tips to Create Your Future
Forget goals, delaying happiness and 'waiting for the Universe' to align.
How I Reversed My Biological Age by 20 Years
In Believe In Growth Transformations we are diving deeper into my 'behind the scenes' personal transformations and those that I notice in my clients.
Your compassionate path to self-mastery
“A continuous commitment to growth in the disciplines that create human flourishing.”